Bethesda Medical Clinic Land/Construction #70550
A new Bethesda
Bethesda Medical Center has been serving the population of Northern Haiti for more than 50 years. The mission of Bethesda is ‘to evangelize and disciple through medical outreach providing high quality, affordable health and dental care to patients.’ Bethesda Medical Center has been serving the population of Northern Haiti for more than 50 years.
However our long term arrangement for use of the land ended and we had to negotiate a new one. Unfortunately, the terms are very expensive. In addition, the existing facilities have degraded and are not up to modern standards for healthcare. For those reasons, the board decided that the best way for Bethesda to continue serving the people of northern Haiti was to build a new clinic. This move will enable us to share the gospel through providing high quality healthcare in a build brand new, up to date, fit for purpose Medical Center.
We have made a deal for a suitable property in a great location and we are working on building plans.
These plans include:
- Medical Consultation
- Maternity Care
- Dental Care
- X-ray
- Physiotherapy
- HIV Care
- Tuberculosis Care
- And much more…
All of this needs to be completed by May 2021 as this is when our temporary agreement ends.
Please partner with us to make this vision a reality. Your donation will enable to build this new Bethesda to advance God’s kingdom in Haiti.
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