In the 1960s, the team at Radio 4VEH, One Mission Society’s radio ministry in Haiti, realized that most people across Haiti did not have a radio receiver to listen to Radio 4VEH. So, they began the ministry’s first distribution campaign of radios fix-tuned to Radio 4VEH. About 2,000 radios were assembled by a team of engineers and given out to communities, sharing the message of Jesus and reinforcing community development.
Communities would listen to the radio together; in many villages, coming around the radio to listen to a church service was the first time they had church in those villages, and many churches were planted as a result. But these bulky units needed frequent battery replacement. Today, as part of the Resounding Hope initiative, we give out solar-powered radios (now also with audio Bible in Haitian Creole) as part of evangelism and outreach alongside local churches, connecting families in need with daily hope and help from Radio 4VEH. Did you know:
“I’m 65 years old. I can’t even write my name. But I know what the Bible says because I listen to it on Radio 4VEH” You can help deliver #HaitianHope by keeping the generators running. Donate today to help purchase the diesel fuel needed to keep 4VEH on the air.
In a country where attending school can be difficult and expensive, Starfish Kids is helping Haitian families by providing tuition assistance and books for sponsored students. Even with the sponsorships, we sometimes see students leaving schools for various reasons, often involving the family moving due to illness or for job opportunities. We don’t always know why a student leaves, sometimes mid-year, which can be a challenge. But this makes graduation stories even more inspiring. We see incredible stories of perseverance through some of our sponsored students.
In June 2017, Luvenson Lorvince graduated from secondary school after 11 years of sponsorship through the Starfish Kids program. Luvenson grew up in a single-parent home. Luvenson’s mother was responsible for raising Luvenson, along with five of his siblings and two of his sister’s children. She worked hard, selling bread and roasted peanuts to provide food for her household, but it wasn’t enough to send her children to school. Through his local church, Luvenson was accepted into the Starfish Kids program and was matched with a sponsor. Luvenson says that, after God, his Starfish Kids sponsorship has been the most important thing in his life. It provided him with an education he would not otherwise have. He graduated with the highest grades in his community. His dream is to attend university to become a civil engineer and help improve his country. He wants to give back and help provide opportunities in the same way they were provided for him. Luvenson believes that without education, there can be no progress for his country. He is thankful for his sponsor through Starfish Kids and prays that God will continue to bless all sponsors abundantly so more children in Haiti can be helped. Our prayer at Starfish Kids is for God to reach students like Luevnson and their families through school sponsorships. The gift of sponsorship truly is changing lives in Haiti one student at a time. You can help us do so by clicking here or by calling the OMS Canada office - 800-784-7077. God used the daily sports program on Radio4VEH to draw a well-known witch doctor to Christ.
"Charles persecuted the Gospel and us too," Pastor Joseph, an evangelism partner, told us. "He set up his Voodoo altar right across from our church. We prayed for him. "In the end, he went away, but we kept praying. When he came back, I gave him a 4VEH Solar radio. "Charles only listened to the sports program, because he loves soccer, " said Pastor Joseph. "But yesterday, after listening to the soccer results as usual, he forgot to turn off his radio. What he heard next was the Gospel message. "As soon as the program ended, Charles called me, wanting to become a Christian. So I went to his house, talked him through the way of salvation, and we burned all his Voodoo things. And this witch doctor came to Christ. Like Saul, the persecutor of Christians who met Jesus and became the great missionary Paul, this former witch doctor is now urging others to choose Christ "My wife and my children are now in Christ too," said Charles. "A lot of people I used to serve as a witch doctor have seen the difference in my life now and have come to Christ themselves. In Haiti, witch doctors can be very influential - giving advice or "cures" for problems like sickness, money and relationships. So, when a witch doctor turns to Jesus, he often influences many people for the Lord as they see his live transformed. Surely the Lord will use Charles for his kingdom! Charles will soon give his testimony on 4VEH's Let The Rocks Cry Out weekly program, to encourage others including witch doctors to come to Christ. |
December 2022