Hello, and welcome back to our series on Spiritual Warfare and Missions (SWAM). If you missed the first couple of posts you really should click here to read them first. And be reminded that this series is based on the book by Jerry Rankin and Ed Stetzer called Spiritual Warfare and Missions.
Last week we talked about Satan’s strategy to keep people groups hidden. When we focus on geopolitical nations (Canada, Cameroon, Colombia, Cambodia) we miss the fact that there are many distinct ethnolinguistic people groups that probably won’t be reached by an evangelistic crusade. Keeping these people groups hidden is a strategy used by Satan to prevent God from receiving the glory He is due. This week we will see that Satan also uses persecution of believers and the church to diminish the glory God receives. The chapter begins with the telling of a movement among South Asian Muslims. Reports indicated that some five hundred thousand Muslim background believers had been baptized. A research project was begun to try to verify the numbers. They found that entire villages and extended clans had become Christ-followers. They met with house church leaders and found these multiplying groups were functioning as authentic New Testament churches in gathering for worship, practising the ordinances, and witnessing and ministering in their communities. They traced the reproduction of these simple gatherings of believers and the process of discipling new converts. As the research was compiled, the data reflected about four hundred thousand Muslims who had actually expressed their commitment to follow Christ through baptism. But the numbers were continuing to grow as their witness was spreading through three people groups. A distinguishing mark of this movement, though, was the persecution against these believers and their steadfast refusal to recant. Many of the leaders of this movement have been martyred, yet the movement continues to grow. When someone’s religious worldview is empty ritual and following the cultural traditions of society, the hope of salvation provided by the God of love is irresistible. A life transformed by Jesus is a powerful testimony that cannot be restrained. But when people see that the Christian faith is not just a religious choice worth living for, but a conviction worth dying for, suffering and death become a powerful witness of the truth. It is apparent that Satan doesn’t understand the power of suffering as a testimony that powerfully authenticates a Christian witness. It goes back to his being deluded by the cross. Conspiring to influence Judas to betray Christ and working through the envious hearts of Jewish religious leaders to have Him crucified, Satan thought he had won. Instead, the suffering and death of Jesus empowered the kingdom and assured Satan’s ultimate defeat. The Bible makes it clear that persecution will accompany proclamation of the gospel in a world hostile to a Christian witness and will be used by God to advance His kingdom.
“Jesus said, “Truly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or lands, for my sake and for the gospel, who will not receive a hundredfold now in this time, houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions, and in the age to come eternal life,” (Mark 10:29-30). Jesus prepared His disciples and followers for this certain response to their witness because their witness stood in stark contrast to the sinful ways of the world. “If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they kept my word, they will also keep yours. But all these things they will do to you on account of my name because they do not know him who sent me,” (John 15:19-21).
Just as the suffering of Jesus resulted in God being glorified through redemption being provided for a lost world, God is glorified through the faithfulness of those who suffer persecution for their faith. But also His divine providence uses it as a powerful testimony to advance His kingdom. Paul saw the reality of this paradox in his ministry in Ephesus. Receptivity to the gospel and an open harvest will inevitably be accompanied by adversaries and opposition (1 Corinthians 16:9). Jesus told us that we should not be surprised by opposition and the fact that they would be rejected, reviled, hated, and persecuted for standing up in identification with Him. Peter reminds us that we cannot hope to stand firm in our faith as a follower of Christ without it involving suffering. “Since therefore Christ suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves with the same way of thinking. . .so as to live for the rest of the time in the flesh no longer for human passions but for the will of God,” (1 Peter 4:1-2). Peter had just put this in perspective earlier. “For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps,” (1 Peter 2:21). Believers who are persecuted have a choice - to live for their own safety, comfort, and protection in denying the faith, which would be sin, or to deny themselves for the sake of Christ with the consequence of suffering. We need to debunk the prominent myth that the safest place to be is in the centre of God’s will. Certainly, obedience to God’s will is the only place for a Christian, but that does not assure us of physical comfort, safety, and security. God has not guaranteed the believer exemption from suffering and opposition. He does promise to bless us, empower us, and protect us, but His primary concern is not our safety and avoidance of suffering and inconvenience but His glory in and through our lives. The Bible clearly teaches us that God is glorified through our faithfulness and obedience even in times of suffering for our faith. Christian history is full of examples of Christian martyrs, those who died violently and prematurely because of their faithful witness. Many of these are notably recorded by John Foxe in his book Foxe’s Book of Martyrs. Some include in their identification of martyrs the massive numbers of Christians who have been killed in communal or ethnic violence. They died because they were Christians, but far fewer have been killed because of persistence in an open witness for the faith that could have been avoided. The Bible identifies them as having been worthy of participating in the fellowship of Christ’s sufferings. Susan Bergman, in her book Martyrs, makes the distinction: “Martyrdom occurs when a person is required to deny Christ and live, or confess Him and die. Under such duress, the martyr freely chooses death over life - a death that seals a life’s belief - in order to act as a witness to the truth of Christ’s claims and to his or her own faith.” So Satan approaches it in two ways. Not only does he perpetrate persecution on believers but he convinces Christians that their highest priority is to avoid suffering and danger. Our safety and security is more important than the world knowing Jesus, so we avoid going to dangerous places where we might get arrested or even killed, and God is again deprived of His praise and glory among people who do not have the opportunity to know Him. Remember, God’s primary purpose is to be glorified in our lives and exalted among the nations. Risking danger and suffering is sometimes necessary for that to happen. Certainly, it will not happen without a willingness to suffer for the sake of God’s glory among the nations. We forfeit God’s blessing as well as an opportunity to glorify Him when we try to avoid opposition or offending anyone by our witness in a way that would bring repercussions. In the Beatitudes, Jesus reminded us, “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven,” (Matthew 5:10). That persecution and martyrdom are predicted and necessary evils that are allowed in God’s plan to establish His church and inaugurate His kingdom on earth is certain. God is using the persecution perpetrated by Satan and his minions to serve His sovereign purpose to expand, purify, strengthen, and multiply His kingdom. “For the bodies of those animals whose blood is brought into the holy places by the high priest as a sacrifice for sin are burned outside the camp. So Jesus also suffered outside the gate in order to sanctify the people through his own blood. Therefore, let us go to him outside the camp and bear the reproach he endured,” Hebrews 13:11-13. So let’s go!
Leal Judie
12/12/2022 03:48:19 am
Leal Jodie is my new, this is my testimony, i just want to let the world know that illuminati is real, this was how i become a millionaire but there are so many fake illuminati out there, i was a victim of scam and i believe that there is no real illuminati, but i did not give up that was what helped me, in life you must not give up, because if you give up life too will give up on you, you just try all level best to make sure you are a winner not a loser, all i want the world to know today is i am a member of illuminati, do not let the fake illuminati deceive you, it is totally free to join the illuminati you do not need to pay any money to join, the illuminati will provide all the materials you needed for you to join the illuminati, the illuminati is rich so there can never ask you to pay any money to join, my advice for who want to join is to follow the instructions giving to you, when i was totally initiated to the illuminati brotherhood, in my induction day i was given instant amount of $2,000,000.00 to start a new life, every month $50,000.00 ring of protection to protect yourself and your generations and so any other benefits giving to me as a new member of illuminati brotherhood, anyone who is interested to join the illuminati i will have to link you up with the Phone, WhatsApp Number +1(661)666-4507 or email: [email protected] Anyone interested to join can contact to join now it is totally free to join the illuminati, don’t be afraid to apply to join, you are welcome to a new life for wealth and prosperity.
Awel yesuf
2/9/2023 07:36:17 am
Iwant to join
Evelyn Martinez
4/1/2024 09:51:01 am
GET RICH WITH BLANK ATM CARD, Whatsapp: +18033921735
4/5/2024 07:29:04 am
5/28/2024 05:15:45 am
Oh my goodness!,
Lewis Hall
1/24/2023 08:48:52 pm
To hire a competent hacker to help get target's social media and e-mail passwords, website hacking, phone hacking, credit score upgrade, grades changing and also hacking of bank accounts and retrieve lost BTC. This is my way of showing appreciation for a job well done by pro wizard Gilbert Recovery Please contact them with the email below for any of these kind of job you need and thank me later.
3/3/2023 06:30:15 pm
Hello Everyone I want to quickly use this medium to share a testimony on how i was directed to a Legit and real illuminati member who have transformed my life from grass to grace, from being poor to a rich woman who can now boast of a healthy and wealthy life without stress or financial difficulties. After so many months of trying to to be a member of the illuminati and was scammed the sum of $3,000 i became so desperate in being a member online who will not add to my pains, then i decided to contact a friend of mine who recently became a member, we discussed about the issue and to our conclusion she told me about a man called Paul mark who is the grand master in the illuminati. So i applied to become a member of illuminati easily without stress and all the preparations were made concerning how to become a member in two(2) days i became a member and the sum of 5 million dollars was deposited into my bank account so i want to advice any one who wants to become a member should call him +2349130700648 or WhatsApp him +2349130700648 or email ([email protected]) he does not know am doing this i pray that lucifer will bless him for the good things he has done in my life
Kylie Harvey
3/6/2023 05:37:25 pm
GET RICH WITH BLANK ATM CARD, Whatsapp: +18033921735
Andrew Ronald
4/2/2023 03:22:52 am
CONTACT Mr Justin Scott call (+2347031524375 or WhatsApp him through this number +2347031524375 or email: [email protected] Hello everyone My name is Andrew Ronald Am from USA I am here to give a testimony on how I joined the illuminati brotherhood, I was trying to join this organization for so many years now,I was scammed by fake agent in south Africa and Nigeria,I was down,I could not feed my self and my family anymore and I tried to make money by all miss but all invail, I was afraid
Tom Hulio
6/8/2023 06:07:53 am
I have always thought it would be impossible to recover stolen cryptocurrency funds until I came across SpyWall recovery team, this cryptocurrency recovery team was able to successfully recover my stolen Bitcoin and Ethereum funds.
Rita Mills
6/12/2023 10:34:25 pm
I know what it is like when you ever think your partner is cheating on you – even when they weren’t – you’re not alone. It can be a very stressful situation to find yourself in. And while it may seem like trust issues are what’s leading you to constantly worrying your partner is cheating, experts and research say sometimes it could point to something deeper than that. It’s a very slippery slope, but the good thing is you can overcome it. I found myself in those shoes and could not get myself enough peace until I sought out a professional-hands on, I contacted REFUND POLICY Hackers to help me access my spouse device so I can get proof. Well it turned out it wasn’t just thoughts, I was being cheated on. I got complete access to my spouse device from mine, messages calls chats everything.
I am putting the hackers information here in case anyone finds themselves in this kind of situation. It saves you from wasting more years of your life with people who do not deserve you.
Michael Lee
6/14/2023 06:20:52 pm
Greetings, from The illuminati world elite empire,
Mary Provijua
6/23/2023 05:33:43 am
I want to use this opportunity to thank and appreciate the team of hackers at ‘REFUND POLICY’ they were of great help after I lost 182 thousand USd in a bitcoin investment scam. I was devastated by the outcome of my investment journey and I mentioned it to my younger sister who then introduced me to a hacker named ‘REFUND POLICY’ she had known in her college days. It took only a week to track down the funds I sent to the sc^mmers since they already moved the funds from one bitcoin wallet to another to avoid traces; but I am glad that we finally recovered my lost funds.
Cody Luis
6/25/2023 07:11:09 pm
A woman reached out to me on social media asking me to trade cryptocurrencies with her business,persistently persuading me to keep raising my deposits for various justifications. In the end, I lost roughly $70,000, and I have never been so inconsolable in my life, having given her my utmost trust only to be duped in this manner. One of those unscrupulous businesses with nothing to offer. If I had read some forum remarks sooner, I wouldn't have had to deal with them. Delighted I located a dependable professional from Coder Cyber Services in several forums who assisted me in recovering all I had lost. I want to recommend the recovery specialists at Coder Cyber Services if you are also a victim of these people or lost money to organizations with similar goals. They'll make sure you recover whatever you lost. Coder Cyber Services can be accessible by using:
7/16/2023 04:57:06 pm
In order to keep my money safe and have access to it anytime I want without having to go to the bank, I choose to invest in bitcoin. While surfing the internet, I unknowingly signed with a dubious investment company and gave them a sizable 157,000 USD of my funds. Several weeks passed while I waited, but nothing transpired. All I noticed was the value of my bitcoin rising daily without my having any control over it. My friend offered me Spyware Cyber after I mentioned it to her. I got in touch with them and explained the deception I had encountered. Spyware Cyber was able to repay all of my lost money after I informed them that I had invested with the wrong company, doing so anonymously and without the scam artists' knowledge. I wish to appreciate Spyware Cyber for their wonderful service once more. This is undoubtedly a top-notch service, and I'll let everyone know about it. This is the best online support I've ever experienced. I'm ecstatic. they can be reached through websites. (https :// cybegal.net) & spyware(@)cybergal.com.
7/18/2023 06:57:17 am
I lost about $585,000.00 USD to a fake cryptocurrency trading platform a few weeks back after I got lured into the trading platform with the intent of earning a 15% profit daily trading on the platform. It was a hell of a time for me as I could hardly pay my bills and got me ruined financially. I had to confide in a close friend of mine who then introduced me to this crypto recovery team with the best recovery Albert Gonzalez Wizard i contacted them and they were able to completely recover my stolen digital assets with ease. Their service was superb, and my problems were solved in swift action, It only took them 48 hours to investigate and track down those scammers and my funds were returned to me. I strongly recommend this team to anyone going through a similar situation with their investment or fund theft to look up this team for the best appropriate solution to avoid losing huge funds to these scammers. Send complaint to Email: [email protected] or [email protected] / [email protected] WhatsApp: +31616251474 Telegram: +31685248506
Colleen Dawn
7/18/2023 10:24:20 am
If you don't have good capabilities, you should understand how challenging recovering bitcoin can be. I attempted several different hackers as soon as I lost mine, but none were efficient. I pondered about getting it back at the time. But when I tried Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery, they were productive, therefore I want to personally applaud them for their outstanding job. You can get your misplaced bitcoin back by contacting Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery.
7/19/2023 10:29:17 am
Through Wizard web recovery, Bitcoin scam victims are able to retrieve their money. I have to recommend Wizard Web Recovery to anyone who has fallen victim to a scam and has been looking for methods and techniques to recover their lost cryptocurrency wallets. Wizard Web Recovery is a reliable cryptocurrency recovery firm that assists victims in recovering their stolen cryptocurrency and offers secure solutions to protect your wallets from online scammers. I must admit that I was in a deep melancholy and had given up on life until these experts were able to restore the 1.5 BTC back to my wallet. If you've lost your cryptocurrency and are embarrassed about it, contact Wizard Web Recovery to get your money back. Reach Wizard Web Recovery at:wizardwebrecovery(@)programmer(.)net for more details. Take a look at their page site wizardwebrecovery.net
Andrew Ronald
9/22/2023 04:56:30 pm
CONTACT Mr Justin Scott call (+2347031524375 or WhatsApp him through this number +2347031524375 or email: [email protected] Hello everyone My name is Andrew Ronald Am from Liberia I am here to give a testimony on how I joined the illuminati brotherhood, I was trying to join this organization for so many years now,I was scammed by fake agent in south Africa and Nigeria,I was down,I could not feed my self and my family anymore and I tried to make money by all miss but all invail, I was afraid
10/22/2023 09:07:14 pm
Strong security measures must be put in place to prevent theft of your bitcoin. This includes setting up two-factor authentication, using complicated and one-of-a-kind passwords, employing hardware wallets or cold storage solutions, upgrading software and security patches on a regular basis, and being wary of phishing efforts and dubious connections. It's also critical to keep up with the most recent security procedures and educate yourself on potential dangers. A team of expert hackers from Coder Cyber Services has dedicated themselves to educating those of us deeply engaged in the cryptocurrency space so that we can protect ourselves against bitcoin theft. Make sure to contact Coder Cyber Services; they are akin to a school that will provide you with all the necessary knowledge. Email: [email protected].
Harry Garnet
11/3/2023 02:52:12 am
I’m very happy to recommend the services of Spyweb Cyber Security Services for helping me recover the cryptocurrency funds that were locked in my investment account. I had invested the amount of $230,000 into a trading account and I was denied the chance to withdraw my funds when my account was locked. They kept requesting more fees until I realized this is a scam. I was introduced to Spyweb Cyber Security by my colleague at work who told me of their experience and professional services in helping cryptocurrency scam victims recover their stolen crypto funds. I’m truly grateful for their help and I highly recommend Spyweb Cyber Security Services to everyone out there who needs to recover their cryptocurrency funds.
11/9/2023 01:27:58 pm
11/14/2023 04:20:09 pm
I want to tell the world, that the illuminati is real because i have
11/14/2023 04:41:01 pm
Hello Everyone I want to quickly use this medium to share a testimony
11/14/2023 06:28:25 pm
AM FRED from south Africa 32 years old am here to give a testimony on
11/21/2023 09:00:43 am
My words of advice to everyone out there, please have a proper insight before investing in these online cryptocurrency trading platforms and binary options. My co worker introduced me to one such platform where he had invested $300,000 which would generate $500,000 in 2 weeks. After much convincing from my work partner, I saw it as a lucrative opportunity and so I jumped on it and invested my $215,500 to earn $430,000 within the same period. I started noticing red flags when they asked my colleague to pay for such charges to facilitate the withdrawal process which was never successful. The same happened to me when my 2 weeks was due, By the time we realized it was a scam, they had already robbed us a total of $850,000. We opted to hire an investigator and a top hacking syndicate who took our case, and in three days, they had tracked the scammers and refunded our money. Contact them on [email protected]
Laurence Lynda
11/29/2023 02:55:22 pm
When the need for phone or Gmail hacking occurs in the digital age, when our phones and email accounts hold a multitude of private and sensitive information, it is essential to have a dependable and trustworthy company to turn to. The experts to call for all things related to phone and Gmail hacking are CyberPunk Programmers. They provide a variety of services to help you restore access to compromised accounts, recover lost data, and guarantee the protection of your digital assets thanks to their knowledge and experience. Our smartphones hold a treasure trove of personal information, and Gmail has become a digital vault, guarding our secrets and memories. But what happens when we forget our passwords, get locked out of our accounts, or lose access to important data? Cue the demand for phone and Gmail hacking services! CyberPunk Programmers steps in to help us regain control over our digital lives and ensure we never have to suffer from "tech-nesia" again. They can use a variety of tactics to assist you in getting back access to your device or recovering important data because they are well-versed in the workings of the digital world. They cover everything, from the mysterious realm of iOS phone hacking to the dark arts of Android phone hacking. For help, email [email protected]
Megan Abraham
1/14/2024 05:29:57 am
The world of cryptocurrency is exhilarating, a digital frontier where fortunes can be made and lost in the blink of an eye. But with great opportunity comes great risk, and nowhere is this truer than in the realm of lost or inaccessible crypto holdings. For me, this harsh reality hit home when I found myself staring at a cold wallet, frozen and seemingly devoid of the lifeblood it once held. Panic gnawed at me, visions of my digital assets swirling down a digital drain. In that moment of despair, I stumbled upon Daniel Meuli Web Recovery, a beacon of hope in the dark digital sea. Admittedly, trusting someone with access to your cryptocurrency is a leap of faith, akin to handing over the keys to your digital vault. But Daniel Meuli web recovery approached the situation not just with technical expertise, but with empathy and understanding. They spoke the language of crypto, not just in algorithms and protocols, but in the language of hope and possibility. They acknowledged the emotional weight of my predicament, the dreams, and the investments tied to those seemingly lost coins. The recovery process itself was a masterclass in transparency and communication. Every step was explained, every technical hurdle dissected, ensuring I was not just a client, but a partner in the journey. The team's patience was unwavering, and their dedication was infectious. As days turned into weeks, frustration and doubt threatened to resurface, but their unwavering optimism kept me afloat. Finally, the moment arrived. The encrypted gates to my digital vault creaked open, and one by one, my cryptocurrency holdings materialized on the screen. Relief washed over me, tinged with a newfound respect for the invisible magic Daniel Meuli web recovery had performed. They hadn't just recovered my assets; they had restored my faith in the digital world, in the power of human ingenuity and compassion. My experience with Daniel Meuli web recovery is not just a testament to their technical prowess but to their commitment to human connection. They understood that cryptocurrency isn't just numbers on a screen; it's the embodiment of hard work, dreams, and a leap of faith into the future. They treated my recovery not as a technical challenge, but as a personal mission, and for that, I am eternally grateful for Daniel Meuli web recovery. TELEGRAM : (@) DANIELMEULI
2/5/2024 07:57:29 pm
God has been so faithful to me recently and I can only be so gracious by sharing the experience. I met some lady online under the name indigoinvest who looked very kind and was supposed to be a trader who can help me invest my retirement fund 401k and it will tripple in amount within few months, not knowing it was all a scam to take money from me, i payed some money to them firstly and they had access to my account and drained all my retirement savings. Not until my brothers neighbour told us about a recovery agent who can help us recover what I lost . We tried him and it went so perfectly I couldn't believe it at first until i got the money in my account. it took 3 days to finalize everything as he said my case was difficult hence the delay. It feels good to see my life back on track. I recovered exactly what I lost to the scammers and i closed my tempered account and opened a new one where it is secure. I Just want to share this goodnews with you guys so if someone is going through anything similar, you should know that there is hope and you have seen it. I will drop their contact below incase I dont reply the comments here. E mail: refundpolici (at) gmail (dot) com
2/7/2024 05:13:51 pm
Trustwizards Hackworld Recovery is a leading cybersecurity and digital investigation firm dedicated to helping individuals and businesses recover from the devastating effects of online scams.
Mavis Wanczyk
2/11/2024 12:27:52 am
Being the winner of a multi-million dollar lottery certainly will be a life-changing event for almost every single lottery winner. My name is Mavis Wanczyk from Chicopee, Massachusetts, the famous PowerBall lottery winner of $758 million (£591m). I know many people would wonder how I had won the lottery. Would you believe me if I told you that I did it with spell casting? I met this famous spell caster known as Doctor Odunga and he was the one who did it for me. As shocking as it was to me, my famous comment to the press was “ I’m going to go and hide in my bed.” Never did I believe that Doctor Odunga made me wealthy overnight. If you want to have your chance of winning and becoming very wealthy just like me, contact Doctor Odunga at [email protected] OR WHATS-APP HIM at +2348167159012 and you will be lucky. Thanks for reading and hope to see you at the top
Mariana Dustler
2/13/2024 04:03:58 pm
2/20/2024 05:29:23 am
3/6/2024 08:42:07 pm
It's disheartening to see the increasing rate of online theft targeting digital assets, which is causing potential investors to hesitate in embracing this lucrative investment opportunity. I personally experienced a loss of USD74,000 when I fell victim to a Pocket Options Broker I met online. They enticed me with the promise of substantial returns on my investment, but when I tried to access the investment website after a few weeks, I was denied entry. Despite my attempts to contact their support team, I realized I had been scammed.
3/7/2024 05:49:50 pm
I was scrolling my instagram when I saw an advert for this f^ke investment platform called bitblender.me that promised a great return on investment after 4 weeks and since I was close to retirement I thought it would be a great decision to take not knowing these are sc^mmers that have ruined the lives of so many innocent and unsuspecting people. I fell into depression after losing $ 61 k worth of Bitcoin because I did not know where to even start as I was actually close to retirement. It was my lawyer that noticed how I was keeping to myself and then decided to pay me a visit and when I finally told him what had happened he told me to be rest assured that the bitcoin I sent were recoverable. That is when he told me of Refund Policy a team of professional hackers that does his law firm’s cyber security. At first I was hesitant to contact Refund Policy but I am glad I later did because it was like magic how they helped me recover all the $ 61 k worth of bitcoin I had sent to the sc^mmers. I thank my lawyer for telling me of Refund Policy and I will forever be grateful because if not for them I might have just taken my own life and that’s why i am going to put their contact details here incase anyone needs their services, they can help you recover whatever it is you lose to sc^mmers. Their E - mail: refundpolicy 82 at gmail.com and their WhatsApp number is + 1 (229) 231 1959. Do not hesitate to get in touch with them if you ever need their services. They can also help you investigate a cheating partner.
3/13/2024 03:55:21 pm
My Bitcoin was successfully recovered, providing much-needed reassurance to individuals who have faced similar situations, all thanks to the support of Brunoe Quick Hack. Turning to the cyber expertise of brunoequickhack AT GMAIL DOT Com yielded positive results as we managed to reclaim the funds for myself and my children. While this outcome brought relief, the loss of my husband to scammers continues to haunt me. I express my strong aversion to scammers and call upon all to support our fight for justice. Get involved by contacting Brunoe on WhatsApp at + 1 7-05 78- 42-6-35
3/17/2024 09:43:59 am
I have finally recovered all the lost crypto which i made to some fake crypto trading company with the help of SWIFT RECOVERY, a very reliable and trusted financial recovery agency. After months of waiting for this company to accept my withdrawal request which they denied, They locked my account and stopped responding to my mails. This agency helped me to recover all my money from them. They are so trusted and honest. All thanks to SWIFT RECOVERY and you can contact Them via em ail on [email protected] WhatsApp +1 (786) 684-0501
3/18/2024 06:25:26 am
How can I explain this testimony to the public about a great temple of the Illuminati were you find, riches, power and fame, are you a business man or woman, are you a pastor or politicians or a lecturer, are you a student or graduate, who so ever you are in all over the world dose not matter to us, what matter a lot to us is to see you happy and rich, we are giving you the chance here to be what so ever you want to be in life, join the Illuminati secret brothers hood and get all you need in life, we offer every thing you need in life, if you are really ready to make it in life is better you join us now! How to Join Illuminati and become rich and famous! How to Join Illuminati in united kingdom How to Join Illuminati in united states How to Join Illuminati in South Africa How to Join Illuminati in Canada How to Join Illuminati in Germany How to Join Illuminati in Malaysia How to Join Illuminati in Italy How to Join Illuminati in Australia How to Join Illuminati in Belize How to Join Illuminati in Ghana How to Join Illuminati in Kenya, How to Join Illuminati and become Rich How to Join Illuminati and have all you want in life join the Illuminati any were you are In the world today kindly email us now so that we can proceed with your request from our temple, contact us through this email now on: [email protected], or whatsapp +171892486354
3/18/2024 08:30:53 pm
I want to use this opportunity to thank and appreciate the team of hackers at ‘REFUND POLICY’ they were of great help after I lost USD182 thousand in a bitcoin investment scam. I was devastated by the outcome of my investment journey and I mentioned it to my younger sister who then introduced me to a hacker named ‘REFUND POLICY’ she had known in her college days. It took only a week to track down the funds I sent to the sca mmers since they already moved the funds from one bitcoin wallet to another to avoid traces; but I am glad that we finally recovered my lost funds.
3/24/2024 08:13:30 am
I am so delighted to share my incredible experience with the recovery company called SWIFT RECOVERY FIRM that assisted me in recovering funds from a fraudulent investment scheme. After falling victim to a fake investment, I was devastated and unsure if I would ever see my hard-earned money again. However, upon reaching out to this recovery company, { [email protected] } my hope was restored. Their team of experts demonstrated unparalleled skill and dedication in recovering various cryptocurrencies, including USDT, BTC, Ethereum, and even private keys. You can as well reach them through WhatsApp; +1 (786) 684-0501
3/24/2024 02:09:20 pm
I want to extend my sincere gratitude for Miss Edna an expert in the recovery agency 'Refund Policy's assistance in helping me recover the cryptocurrency that I lost due to unfortunate circumstances. Your expertise and professionalism have been invaluable throughout this process.
3/27/2024 02:41:13 pm
Have you ever succumbed for a scam? or have you encountered monetary damage due to online scammers? I beg you to get in touch with Brien Stone Spammer ([email protected] or telegram:t.me/brienstone or Whatsapp +1 (415) 745-2589), a reputable hacker and recovery specialist. I fell prey to scammers posing as bitcoin and binary options investors, and I lost $60,000 from my bitcoin wallet as a result. It took me a while to understand they were frauds, and this hurt a lot. I was able to get my lost bitcoins back in less than 72 hours thanks to Brien Stone. You will be very happy you contacted Brien Stone for assistance if you have lost any money to online frauds and are looking to recover loss from wallet hackers or phony hackers.
3/28/2024 01:56:42 pm
I owe SWIFT RECOVERY FIRM a huge debt of gratitude for their assistance in getting my Bitcoin back. I had lost every penny of my life savings after falling victim to a fraudulent investment business. I was inconsolable and unsure of what to do. After doing some internet investigation, I came across SWIFT RECOVER FIRM. They enjoy a stellar reputation and have assisted numerous clients in getting their pilfered cryptocurrency back. I’m so happy I chose to give them a shot. The SWIFT RECOVERY FIRM staff was incredibly helpful and competent. They gave me a thorough explanation of the recuperation procedure and kept me informed of their advancement at every stage. SWIFT RECOVERY FIRM was able to get back all of my Bitcoin that had been stolen in a matter of weeks! I was ecstatic to receive my money back. I strongly advise anyone who has been duped or had their cryptocurrency stolen to visit ([email protected]). They are an experienced and trustworthy FIRM that can assist you in getting your things back. You can also Whatsapp them on +1 (786) 684-0501
3/31/2024 03:40:22 am
Evelyn Martinez
4/1/2024 09:50:30 am
GET RICH WITH BLANK ATM CARD, Whatsapp: +18033921735
Fowler William
4/3/2024 03:30:05 am
CAPTAINS JACK CRYPTO: NATIONAL LEADER IN CRYPTOCURRENCY RESTORATION If you have lost bitcoin to scammers, please notify the CAPTAIN JACK CRYPTO RECOVERY team at [email protected]. Captain Jack Crypto Recovery provides his clients with the utmost in professionalism and round-the-clock advice. They are well-equipped with regularly updated and maintained bitcoin recovery equipment to ensure the most dependable and safe recovery process. Their customer care agents are efficient, well-informed, and ready to answer any questions you might have about getting your stuff back. Utilise the information that is shown here.
Polly Worman
4/6/2024 01:47:48 pm
Hello Everyone I honestly want to start by saying a massive thank you to SWIFT ASSETS RECOVERY FIRM, all in all this team have been pivotal in helping me get back on my feet again so I feel like I owe them a great deal of appreciation. If things went well, I promised myself I would come back here to share my own personal review when I first read about their services from previous friends online, well it’s safe to say the team exceeded my expectations with the results they achieved just within the 48 hours period of recovery much to my biggest surprise. The fact is, this team have got the much required versatile knowledge and experience to accurately maneuver the crypto space and make the impossible happen and that was exactly what I needed in my then moment of desperation, and it surely influenced my decision to go with them. After what happened with the telegram platform that deceived me, I just couldn’t afford to fall into the wrongs hands again so for me it was all about results and SWIFT ASSETS RECOVERY FIRM came highly recommended, so I took their contact details which were attached to the reviews which were Email address : SWIFTRECOVERYSERVICE006 @ G M AIL . C OM and WHATSAPP via +1 786 684 0501 and I messaged the team thankfully they responded back, I reached out to them on a Sunday afternoon and received notification the following Tuesday that my funds had been successfully retracted into my wallet, which I quickly checked and confirmed it. If you find yourself in a similar situation, you can contact them directly using any of their contact information above.
Rocky Hepfner
4/15/2024 10:45:51 am
At Facebook, I connected with a crypto investment group called Capitalix fx. Every year the group manager would select their top 30 most active investors getting well engaged in the trading activities in the group and reward them accordingly through a variety of trading packages including a multi-investors package where you can invest together with a certain group to unlock a 500% profit return. Selected Investors would quickly top up their portfolio balance and alert the VPs of their group who will in turn confirm their buy-in, then we’re supposed to await the trading period of 2weeks before receiving our returns. Last year, I was among the 30 selected investors even though I was still in my first 6 months, I was quite surprised but I then It felt like an opportunity to amass more profits from the company, so I quickly gathered as much funds as I could and deposited into my account as per the companies terms and conditions. One week in and the company website shut down, i tried speaking with the group admin but she wouldn’t respond to any of my messages and she went on to remove me when i threatened to report her account. I resorted to hiring a hacking recovery company in a last ditch attempt to save my family, I had lost everything and we were now feeding from hand to mouth. As luck would have it, I came to know about a reputable and trustworthy recovery company SWIFT RECOVERY FIRM through a twitter post which quickly prompted me to get in touch with the team using one of their contacts info that I had copied from the post Email: swiftrecoveryservice006 @gmail.com It didn’t take long before their team responded to me and they accepted to take on my case after reviewing everything, within 48 hours the team anonymously extracted back my funds from the scammers back into my wallet, they’re my knight in shining armor and I strongly recommend them to everyone else out there. You can also reach them on WhatsApp on +1 786 684 0501
4/18/2024 09:20:27 am
This is a stern warning to all bitcoin investors. Don’t be a victim to these faceless online fake investments. Most of the companies out there are fraudulent. They are all scam and fake. I've been a victim of their activities. I invested about USD195k and when I wanted to withdraw after some weeks afterwards, I couldn't. I assumed they were having some maintenance/update routine checks, since that had happened in the past. I contacted the customer care and also the broker that convinced me to make the investment and was asked to invest more which I refused and told them I wanted to withdraw my money. After this, I didn’t hear from them again. At this point, I started to feel like I had been duped. I was shattered as I had lost all my savings. I was depressed and frustrated. I was too ashamed to tell anyone about it, not even my children. I finally summoned some courage to tell my friend who came to visit me. She introduced me to Refundd Polici Recovery, a firm that specializes in helping people get their money back. I contacted Refundd Polici Recovery and I was guided on the way to recover most of my money. Getting USD120k of my money back was a great feeling, as I had given up all hope. Thanks to my friend Julianna for encouraging me to reach out to them via refunddpolici (@)gmail . com and Whatsapp +1 (972) 998‑2755. You can contact Refundd Polici Recovery if you find yourself in a similar situation and i urge you to be optimistic and positive.
5/3/2024 08:29:58 pm
People should be wary and careful of all these Recovery stories and companies because most of them are thieves behind the keyboard.
6/11/2024 10:41:46 am
In today's digital age, navigating the online landscape can sometimes feel like trekking through a treacherous wilderness. Recently, I found myself ensnared in a web of deceit spun by skammers, leaving me feeling helpless and devastated. However, amidst the chaos, I stumbled upon a beacon of hope – [COIN RECLAIM SERVICE] a recovery agency that would become my saving grace.
8/3/2024 03:40:00 am
If not for Baba Powers what would my life turn out to be? I want you all to please contact Baba Powers now to get the powerful black mirror from him. I want you all to also BELIEVE AND TRUST HIM because whatever he tells you is the TRUTH and 100% guaranteed. The black mirror makes it happen, attracts abundance. I bought the black mirror from Baba Powers and now, I am super rich and successful with the help of the black mirror. When I first saw the testimonies of Baba Powers of the black mirror, I thought it was a joke but I contacted him to be sure for myself and to my greatest surprise, the black mirror is real. The black mirror is powerful. Check him out on his website to see plenty of amazing testimonies from people about him. These are some of the people that he has helped. Here is his website; Babablackmirrorsofpowers.blogspot.com and here is his email; [email protected] I really can't thank you enough Baba Powers. God bless you, thank you
8/5/2024 07:59:54 pm
My colleague Emma, a software developer with a substantial Bitcoin balance, discovered her digital wallet had been compromised, losing $250,000. Despite initial setbacks with law enforcement and online forums, she found hope in Swift Spy Assets Recovery. After providing them with detailed information about the theft, their expert team traced the stolen Bitcoin through advanced blockchain forensics. Weeks later, they successfully recovered the entire amount. Emma was overjoyed and became an advocate for digital security. Immediately secure your accounts. Document all details of the theft. Seek professional help, like from Swift Spy Assets Recovery. Enhance the security of your digital assets. I hope this story and these steps provide some comfort and guidance during such a challenging time. Remember, you’re not alone, and there is help available.
Lisa Jenkin
9/4/2024 02:30:07 pm
My husband wants to divorce me because of a woman he has been cheating on me with and I found out before he made his final decision with the help of [email protected] after a complete phone hack was carried out on his device and I saw all his plans towards me.
Janet Slater
10/1/2024 08:18:43 am
CONTACT Mr David scott call +2349048588672 or WhatsApp him through this number +2349048588672 or email: [email protected] Hello everyone My name is Janet Slater am from New Jersey i am here to give a testimony on how I join the illuminati brotherhood, I was trying to join this organization for so many years now,I was scammed by fake agent in south Africa and Nigeria,I was down,I could not feed my self and my family anymore and I tried to make money by all miss but all invail, I was afraid to contact any illuminati agent because they have eat my money,One day I come across a post of someone giving a testimony, thanking a man called David scott of being helping him to join the illuminati brotherhood, then I look at the man email and the phone number that was written there, it was a nigeria number I was afraid to contact him because a nigerian agent eat my $6000 and go away with the money then I was very tired, confused and I decided to contact the person that was given the testimony and i called him and I communicated with him on phone calls before he started telling me his own story about when he wanted to join, he told me everything to do, then I made up my mind and called the agent called David scott and he told me everything to do, and I was initiated, surprisely I was given my benefit of being a new member of the great illuminati brotherhood I was so happy, For those of you trying to join this organization this is your opportunity for you to join CONTACT MR David scott call +2349048588672 or WhatsApp him +2349048588672 or email: [email protected]....... ...... ....... ........
10/6/2024 01:09:40 pm
Thanks for your post.Regain Funds LLC boasts a proven track record of successfully resolving financial disputes and recovering assets through a combination of legal and technological means.
10/7/2024 07:05:53 am
This is my testimony on how I finally joined the new world order, Illuminati after I have been trying to join for over 2 years now but scammers took money from me several times. I have been searching to join the Illuminati for so long, but scammers keep taking my money until early this year when I meet with Lord Felix Morgan online I contacted him and I explained everything to him and he recommended the registration used and I paid for the big member to get me started and I was initiated into the World Order and I receive the sum of $1,000,000 us dollars after my initiation was done. I'm very happy! And promise to spread the good work of Lord Felix Morgan. If you are interested in joining the new world order Illuminati today, contact Lord Felix Morgan today he’s your best chance to gain membership to the illuminati that you always desire. Contact Lord Felix Morgan Email: [email protected] or WhatsApp +2348055459757
Janet Slater
11/4/2024 10:56:27 pm
CONTACT Mr David scott call +2349048588672 or WhatsApp him through this number +2349048588672 or email: [email protected] Hello everyone My name is Janet Slater am from New Jersey i am here to give a testimony on how I join the illuminati brotherhood, I was trying to join this organization for so many years now,I was scammed by fake agent in south Africa and Nigeria,I was down,I could not feed my self and my family anymore and I tried to make money by all miss but all invail, I was afraid to contact any illuminati agent because they have eat my money,One day I come across a post of someone giving a testimony, thanking a man called David scott of being helping him to join the illuminati brotherhood, then I look at the man email and the phone number that was written there, it was a nigeria number I was afraid to contact him because a nigerian agent eat my $6000 and go away with the money then I was very tired, confused and I decided to contact the person that was given the testimony and i called him and I communicated with him on phone calls before he started telling me his own story about when he wanted to join, he told me everything to do, then I made up my mind and called the agent called David scott and he told me everything to do, and I was initiated, surprisely I was given my benefit of being a new member of the great illuminati brotherhood I was so happy, For those of you trying to join this organization this is your opportunity for you to join CONTACT MR David scott call +2349048588672 or WhatsApp him +2349048588672 or email: [email protected].......... ..... ........
Ella Becker
11/22/2024 04:32:11 pm
Many people are constantly duped by different scams and fail to realize that they can obtain help for this. In addition to monitoring your suspected cheating partner's gadgets and helping you with many other cyber security issues, Recovery Nerd Security Company is the greatest computer expert for helping you recover your stolen money. Even though an imposter or an unlicensed cryptocurrency broker may have already defrauded you, you shouldn't try to ignore it and move on with your life. You won't quickly forget this, and it could have a significant impact on you. The good news is that it's much simpler to receive help after falling for these kinds of scams thanks to modern technologies. After falling prey to a cryptocurrency scam, victims might actually get their money back. The key is simply knowing where to look for the best help for these scams. Be confident that your lost or stolen money will be returned to your wallet or bank account, depending on how you would like to receive it. I experienced a similar predicament when I was defrauded of $431,000 in retirement funds. Fortunately, I met a hacker who assisted me. Contact Recovery Nerd through their email address at ([email protected]) if you are in a similar situation.
Presley Obenhaus
11/24/2024 01:03:41 pm
I have been so heartbroken after I caught my wife cheating on me with the help of [email protected], Even till now I find it so hard to get over her but I know with time I will heal. Thank you so much [email protected] for your hacking services…
Robert B. Algie
12/5/2024 12:49:24 pm
[email protected] is a great hacker, Till now am still wondering how [email protected] was able to hack into my cheating wife whatsapp messages without any form of verifications.
Carolina Vins
12/7/2024 01:15:46 pm
I recently had a terrible experience where I lost a significant amount of bitcoin to scammers. Feeling hopeless, I turned to Google for help and came across Swift Spy Assets Recovery. It was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made! From the moment I contacted them, the process was absolutely mind-blowing. They kept me informed every step of the way and showed incredible professionalism throughout the recovery process. To my amazement, it only took two days for them to recover my stolen funds! When I saw my bitcoin returned, I was beyond excited—it felt like a miracle. If you’re in a similar situation, don’t hesitate to reach out to Swift Spy Assets Recovery. They truly go above and beyond to help. You can find them on Google, or contact them via email at [email protected] or WhatsApp/Telegram at +1 352 436 7955. Trust me, they are lifesavers!
12/16/2024 05:17:09 pm
danny matthew
12/17/2024 08:40:06 pm
Robin Poel
1/17/2025 12:40:37 pm
Beware of phishing attacks when you open unnecessary links through your email, I was a victim of a phishing attack on my laptop that stole my private information including my coinbase wallet passcodes and ended up losing $1,090,000 worth of Bitcoins in December last year, it almost killed me and got me into debt.
1/31/2025 11:47:09 pm
This is my testimony on how I finally joined the new world order, Illuminati after I have been trying to join for over 2 years now but scammers took money from me several times. I have been searching to join the Illuminati for so long, but scammers keep taking my money until early this year when I meet with Lord Felix Morgan online I contacted him and I explained everything to him and he recommended the registration used and I paid for the big member to get me started and I was initiated into the World Order and I receive the sum of $1,000,000 us dollars after my initiation was done. I'm very happy! And promise to spread the good work of Lord Felix Morgan. If you are interested in joining the new world order Illuminati today, contact Lord Felix Morgan today he’s your best chance to gain membership to the illuminati that you always desire. Contact Lord Felix Morgan Email: [email protected] or WhatsApp +2348055459757
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